2022 XR Tāmaki Makaurau: 26 actions

1 year ago 96

Tena koe,

2022: 26 Actions

Thank you everyone who helped make these happen. Photos below.

Baring Head (at the bottom of the North Island) CO2 Measures are fluctuating from 414.5 ppm (parts per million). A long way off what we need: 350 ppm for a liveable climate (https://niwa.co.nz/climate/research-projects/carbonwatchnz/dailyco2measurements)

International: We the people are rising up and getting organised.

This is the pledge from the A22 climate activist network

We are the Last Generation of the old world. We are here today to say we will create a new world – where humanity embraces itself, forgives itself, loves itself and commits to continue our great adventure. As the Last Generation, we will do whatever it takes to protect our generation and all future generations. As is our inalienable right. see here for the projects around the world: https://a22network.org/en/#projects

XR Tamaki Makaurau 2022: 26 actions

These are just a few of the fun and effective actions we have taken (please forgive the payout. Its the best we can do in this system!)

We have made or deepened relationships with ACA (Auckland Climate Action – part of the Coal action network), FFF – Fridays For future, 350 Tamaki Makaurau, Gen Zero, Greenpeace… We have petitioned, lobbyied, disrupted meetings, painted on the front doors of banks and shut down Wiri Oil Transfer Station for 5 hours. We have talked to the general public. We have built our numbers of active people – steadily and surely. Some of us have joined the effective disruptive action of Restore Passenger Rail. We have made an impact.

But there is much more to be done. We have a strategy workshop in January. We planning for regular discussions to help people understand the what and why of nonviolent civil disobedience. We are planning effective nonviolent disruptive actions. The Government must know that the majority of us are deeply concerned about the climate crisis. If you are not already with a climate action group, or if you are curious about what can be done effectively, or thinking more needs to be done, don’t sit with anxiety, dont hide your head in the sand. Contact us. Find a bunch of great people, having fun, serious fun, active with the international uprising. Join us to make a difference.

Your invite/panui: have a great festive season and summer break. Then make a difference.

XR Aotearoa Principle One:

Tātou tātou, ngā tāngata katoa, ahakoa nō hea, ahakoa ko wai, arā te iwi, tetaihemahema, te whakapono, te reo, te ahurei, te whenua anō hoki.

All of us are together in unison in this struggle: all of us, regardless of origin, who we are, that is to say our race, gender, language, culture, belief, faith or nation.

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