Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Chapter 2

1 year ago 61

We begin today with Toluse Olorunnipa and Yasmeen Abutaleb of The Washington Post writing about the White House’s plans for the next two years.

The White House blueprint for the next two years, “Chapter 2,” is not unlike President Barack Obama’s reference to his final two years in office as “the fourth quarter.” But while Obama emphasized using “a pen and a phone” and other executive authorities to bypass a Republican-led Congress at the end of his presidency, Biden is promising bipartisanship as he prepares for a reelection bid.

While the Republican takeover of the House likely dooms many of the most ambitious parts of Biden’s agenda, his legislative affairs team sees a pathway for striking deals on a handful of issues where both parties have shown an interest in cooperation. The president and his aides have pointed out that many of the initiatives he signed into law don’t kick in until this year.

“The big laws we passed were consequential, but they’re basically promises,” Biden said this past week.

Administration officials hope to use the implementation of these laws as a springboard into additional bipartisan action. As Republicans see the benefits of laws passed in their districts, the thinking goes, they will be more open to expanding on things like low-price insulin for all or specific infrastructure projects.

The MSM, the DK Front Page, and the rec list is chock-full of stories about the Speaker of the House election that nearly became a barroom brawl. Other than the next story about one of the possible major ramifications of the deal worked out that enabled McCarthy to become a SINO, I’ll link no other story about the Speaker elections. I think that we could all use a breather.

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