Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Do you hear what I hear? Do you see what I see?

1 year ago 75

Julian Zelizer/NY Times:

The Jan. 6 Report Is Out. Now the Real Work Begins.The Jan. 6 Report Is Out. Now the Real Work Begins.

The report comes almost a half-century after another famous report of sorts was completed: the Watergate “road map,” which was passed to the House Judiciary Committee by Leon Jaworski, the special prosecutor.

As the Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein has said, “the American system worked.” But the system didn’t just correct itself after Watergate — that is a myth that has taken root over the past several decades. And it’s a dangerous myth, in that it creates an illusory sense of confidence whenever America goes through major political and constitutional crises.

As with the Watergate road map, the Jan. 6 report doesn’t put an end to the crisis of American democracy. The report reveals that the attempted coup almost worked. If there had been a handful of different people in key positions of power — from Justice Department lawyers to secretaries of state — the overturning might have been successful. It is all too easy to imagine that next time, things might go differently.

And out of interest, here’s a bit of history about that song, written in 1962.

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