Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The politics of abortion don't work for Republicans, and they fear it

1 year ago 53


Now, consider some numbers:

  • 63%: That’s the percentage of Americans who oppose “laws that ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually around the sixth week of pregnancy.”
  • 52%: That’s the percentage of Americans who “oppose restrictions that make it illegal to obtain an abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.”

These are bad numbers for Republicans. Whether you are DeSantis signing a six-week ban or Scott (tentatively) supporting a 15-week ban, you are still on the losing side of public opinion. That’s to say nothing of the Republicans who support outright bans, where public support ranges from the single digits to the low 20s, depending on whether there are exceptions for the life of the mother, incest or rape.

Banning medical abortions would be an unmitigated political disaster for Republicans.

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