Analytics, Vol. 2, Pages 146-162: Dynamic Skyline Computation with LSD Trees

1 year ago 30

Analytics, Vol. 2, Pages 146-162: Dynamic Skyline Computation with LSD Trees

Analytics doi: 10.3390/analytics2010009

Authors: Dominik Köppl

Given a set of high-dimensional feature vectors S⊂Rn, the skyline or Pareto problem is to report the subset of vectors in S that are not dominated by any vector of S. Vectors closer to the origin are preferred: we say a vector x is dominated by another distinct vector y if x is equally or further away from the origin than y with respect to all its dimensions. The dynamic skyline problem allows us to shift the origin, which changes the answer set. This problem is crucial for dynamic recommender systems where users can shift the parameters and thus shift the origin. For each origin shift, a recomputation of the answer set from scratch is time intensive. To tackle this problem, we propose a parallel algorithm for dynamic skyline computation that uses multiple local split decision (LSD) trees concurrently. The geometric nature of the LSD trees allows us to reuse previous results. Experiments show that our proposed algorithm works well if the dimension is small in relation to the number of tuples to process.

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