Annual Report 2023

2 months ago 42

From the high seas, along the high streets and into the high courts, we rise. As part of the growing power of people everywhere we resist the temptation to give into despair, choosing instead a path of hope in action. As allies and in allyship, Greenpeace’s peaceful actions for a fairer, safer and cleaner future can be seen and heard all over the world.

2023 was yet another year of climate devastation. Declared the hottest year ever by the EU, we experienced climate emergencies around the globe that claimed thousands of lives and caused billions of dollars’ worth of damage. It has been crushing to see the continued lack of commitment from governments and corporations to work on fixing this climate crisis.

Scientists warned us of this exact danger. When 195 countries signed the Paris Agreement in 2015, the framework objectives were keeping global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius and stopping the current rapid loss of biodiversity in all its forms — an agreement that entailed a radical reduction in carbon emissions. In 2023, we not only exceeded the 1.5 degree limit, we also reached a record high in carbon emissions from fossil fuels. Clearly, our calls for climate justice fell on deaf ears.

But we continue to act, not because we believe that by taking action success is guaranteed, but because we believe that if we do not act, failure is guaranteed. We believe a better world is possible and the key to making it happen is through people working together in common cause.

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