Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, Pages 11154: MLPs Are All You Need for Human Activity Recognition

10 months ago 25

Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, Pages 11154: MLPs Are All You Need for Human Activity Recognition

Applied Sciences doi: 10.3390/app132011154

Authors: Kamsiriochukwu Ojiako Katayoun Farrahi

Convolution, recurrent, and attention-based deep learning techniques have produced the most recent state-of-the-art results in multiple sensor-based human activity recognition (HAR) datasets. However, these techniques have high computing costs, restricting their use in low-powered devices. Different methods have been employed to increase the efficiency of these techniques; however, this often results in worse performance. Recently, pure multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architectures have demonstrated competitive performance in vision-based tasks with lower computation costs than other deep-learning techniques. The MLP-Mixer is a pioneering pureMLP architecture that produces competitive results with state-of-the-art models in computer vision tasks. This paper shows the viability of the MLP-Mixer in sensor-based HAR. Furthermore, experiments are performed to gain insight into the Mixer modules essential for HAR, and a visual analysis of the Mixer’s weights is provided, validating the Mixer’s learning capabilities. As a result, the Mixer achieves F1 scores of 97%, 84.2%, 91.2%, and 90% on the PAMAP2, Daphnet Gait, Opportunity Gestures, and Opportunity Locomotion datasets, respectively, outperforming state-of-the-art models in all datasets except Opportunity Gestures.

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