Biden Administration Approves Massive Oil Drilling Project in Alaska

1 year ago 48

The Biden administration approved a massive expansion of oil drilling in Alaska, giving ConocoPhillips permission to begin its Willow project in the state’s western Arctic.

Christy Goldfuss, chief policy impact officer at NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), made the following statement:

“This is a grievous mistake. It green-lights a carbon bomb, sets back the climate fight and emboldens an industry hell-bent on destroying the planet. It’s wrong on climate and wrong for the country.

“Willow is a project out of time. With science demanding an end to fossil fuels, this locks in decades more dependence on oil. With the climate crisis worsening by the day, this has the same yearly carbon footprint of roughly 1.1 million homes—more than are in Chicago. With clean energy investment driving a heartland manufacturing renaissance, this stakes our future on the fuels of the past.

“We will consider every appropriate tool in our continuing fight to stop the Willow climate bomb.”

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