Biden puts the screws to McCarthy on default

1 year ago 51

When President Biden was asked Tuesday whether he was willing to negotiate on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's proposal to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts, Biden sought clarification.

"What's he proposing, did he tell you?" Biden asked the reporter at the press conference following his meeting with congressional leaders.

McCarthy was "talking about the bill," the reporter offered.

"What does it propose," Biden repeated, "I'm not being a wise guy. You all are very very informed people. Do you know what that bill cuts?"

When the reporter said the bill includes a "long list" of items to cut, Biden clarified again, "Does it say what it's going to cut, or just say generically it's going to cut?"


"You get the problem," Biden concluded, having deployed the Socratic method to good effect in the midst of the press briefing.


just catching up on this exchange from Biden's news conference yesterday where he grilled a reporter to specify to him what spending cuts McCarthy is actually proposing

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 10, 2023
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