Biden's Debt Ceiling Deal Betrays the Environment and Clean Energy

1 year ago 56

The details of a debt ceiling/spending deal between President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy include a number of provisions that would fast-track new fossil fuel development, including swift actions to bolster approval of the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline, weakening of the National Environmental Policy Act, and freezing of the budget for the Environmental Protection Agency.

In response, Food & Water Watch Managing Director of Policy and Litigation Mitch Jones issued the following statement:

“In entering into this ill-conceived negotiation with extremist House Republicans, President Biden set himself up for this disastrous result—legislation that would fast-track climate-killing fossil fuels and cut the legs out of cornerstone environmental protections which have existed for decades. If this bad deal goes through, President Biden’s legacy on the environment and clean energy will be irreversibly scarred.

“Congress must reject these egregious handouts to the fossil fuel industry and start fresh to quickly pass a clean debt limit increase that excludes the political wish list of hostage-taking Republican extremists.”

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