Black Music Sunday: Let these R&B classics do the work this Labor Day weekend

1 year ago 43

Labor Day weekend is here, with its big store sales, outdated admonitions to not wear white again until spring, local parades and union celebrations, cookouts, and barbeques. Though celebrating Labor Day on the first Monday in September became a tradition here in the U.S. to avoid an association with the global socialist celebration of May Day, it is nonetheless a celebration of work, workers, and a day off from work for people who are lucky enough to have a job with paid holidays. The U.S. Department of Labor details some of the holiday’s early history.

There is quite a bit of music associated with work, workers, and union movements; much of it has previously been highlighted here.

Today, let’s explore some of the popular rhythm and blues songs about occupations and jobs, or the lack of one. These are songs that I grew up with and danced to, that were not only popular in the Black community, but crossed over and became hits in the wider (and whiter) listening audience.

RELATED STORY:  From coal mines to chain gangs and more: Black music tells the tales of Black workers

Black Music Sunday is a weekly series highlighting all things Black music. With 170 stories (and counting) covering performers, genres, history, and more, each featuring its own vibrant soundtrack, I hope you’ll find some familiar tunes and perhaps an introduction to something new.

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