Censored Memories | Lyrics performed by Yinfi

3 months ago 34


(香港組合達明一派為六四事件三十週年所創作的粵語歌。曲:劉以達; 詞:林夕)

舊日或問天 怎允許摧毀信念  浩蕩像為了 被懷念
現在別問他 可有膽公開紀念  被現實騎劫 怎怨天

如燭光都有罪 將暗黑多幾十年  如傷疤都有靈 未變臉
回憶即使有罪 真相怎麼敢無言  歷史假使有人 定被發現

現在若問他 可悔當天走太前  道路腐壞了 不敢涉險
現在若問我 怎會這麼想紀念  烈焰幻滅過 總有煙

如燭光都有罪 將暗黑多幾十年  如傷疤都有靈 未變臉
回憶即使有罪 真相怎麼敢無言  歷史假使有人 定被發現

皇天不必答辯 只怕蒼生肯忘言  后土不知冷熱 生滅無念
歷史只懂向前 輾轉反側三十年  如今滄桑少年 莫問蒼天

若舉傘 為誰命運祭奠  廣場上 這麼多告別
莫須有 是誰造就壯烈  願廣場上 聲音不會滅


Memory Is A Crime

(A Cantonese song by Anthony Wong written for the 30th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Protests. Composer: Tats Lau. Lyricist: Albert Leung)

In the days of yore, perhaps one would ask the heavens, How could they allow the destruction of beliefs, as cherished as they are vast? But now, don't bother asking, if there's the courage to openly commemorate. Plundered by reality, how can one blame the heavens?

If even candlelight is deemed sinful, darkness will linger for decades more. If scars possess spirits, they remain unchanged. Even if memories are deemed sinful, how dare truth remain silent? If history hides someone, they will surely be discovered.

Now, if one were to ask them, would they regret marching too far ahead in the parade? They would say the path has decayed, and danger is feared. Now, if one were to ask me, why I wish to commemorate, I would say even if flames have flickered out, there will always be smoke.

If even candlelight is deemed sinful, darkness will linger for decades more, If scars possess spirits, they remain unchanged. Even if memories are deemed sinful, how dare truth remain silent? If history hides someone, they will surely be discovered.

The heavens need not defend themselves, only fear that people will forget their words. The earth knows not of warmth or cold, existing without thoughts. History only moves forward, giving people insomnia for thirty years. Now, the world-weary youth, don't ask the heavens.

If one raises an umbrella, for whose fate do they mourn? In the square, so many farewells, With the burden of guilt, who crafted such sacrifice? May the voices in the square never go unheard.


(根據諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波的一首詩作曲,寫給天安門母親的歌。曲:Yinfi  詞:劉曉波)

逃避自由的人活著 靈魂卻死於恐懼中
渴望自由的人死去 亡靈卻活在反抗中
突然撕裂的思想 看不見疤痕的傷口

壓抑太久的聲音 講述墳墓的故事
傷痕累累的燭火 洞徹靈魂的荒蕪

亡靈的目光 凝視著母親
母親的目光 逼視每一個春天
讓影子嘆息 讓石頭飛翔

Vows to June

(My original Mandarin song, using a poem by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo as lyrics, dedicated to Tiananmen Mothers. Composer: Yinfi, Lyricist: Liu Xiaobo)

Those who flee from freedom survive, Their souls languish in fear.
Those who yearn for freedom perish, Their souls ablaze with defiance.
Thoughts torn asunder, leaving scars unseen.

A voice silenced for far too long, Speaks the tale of the grave.
Candles wounded by time's cruel hand, Illuminate the desolation of souls in fear.

Eyes of freedom's souls meet those of mothers.
Mothers' gaze unwavering, resolute,
Flows with each passing spring.
Mothers' vows to June,
Let the shadows sigh,
And let the stones fly.


(由2019年香港反送中運動參與者創作並廣為傳唱的抗爭歌曲。詞/曲:Thomas dgx yhl,眾連登網民)

何以 這土地 淚再流
何以 令眾人 亦憤恨
昂首 拒默沉 吶喊聲 響透
盼自由 歸於 這裡

何以 這恐懼 抹不走
何以 為信念 從沒退後
何解 血在流 但邁進聲 響透
建自由 光輝 香港

在晚星 墜落 徬徨午夜
迷霧裡 最遠處吹來 號角聲
捍自由 來齊集這裡 來全力抗對
勇氣 智慧 也永不滅

黎明來到 要光復 這香港
同行兒女 為正義 時代革命
祈求 民主與自由 萬世都不朽

Glory To Hong Kong

(The symbolic anthem of the 2019 Hong Kong pro-democracy movements written by dgx and many other participants.)

We pledge: No more tears on our land,
In wrath, doubts dispell’d we make our stand.
Arise! Ye who would not be slaves again:
For Hong Kong, may Freedom reign!

Though deep is the dread that lies ahead,
Yet still, with our faith, on we tread.
We keep our heads up, our voices strong
For Hong Kong, may Glory reign!

Stars may fade, as darkness fills the air,
Through the mist a solitary trumpet flares:
Stand with us! For Freedom we fight, with all might we strike!
With valour, wisdom both, we stride!'

Break now the dawn, liberate our Hong Kong,
In common breath: Revolution of our times!
May people reign, proud and free, now and evermore,
Glory be to thee, Hong Kong!

What’s Up

(A classic rock song questioning the reality of being suppressed by power and marginalised by society for decades, alongside acceptance of one's own identity, which empowered me whenever I faced depression since my university years. Released in 1993, it was written and performed by the all-female American rock group 4 Non Blondes. In the lyrics of this version, I altered "25 years" to "35 years" in line with the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Protests.)

35 years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means

And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying bed
Just to get it all out what's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?

And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah, HEY yeah yea
I said hey, what's going on?

And I try, oh my god do I try
I try all the time, in this institution
And I pray, oh my god do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution.

And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying bed
Just to get it all out what's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?

And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah, HEY yeah yea
I said hey, what's going on?

35 years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination

The post Censored Memories | Lyrics performed by Yinfi appeared first on Index on Censorship.

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