Cheers and Jeers: 2022's Winners, Part II

1 year ago 78

A Wild and Winning Year

As noted in yesterday's column, strong, steady lefty leadership was a welcome player on the national and world stage in 2022. And that made compiling our Friday "Who won the week" polls both easier than usual (tons of worthy candidates), and more difficult than usual (whittling them down to ten). But when the dust cleared, C&J readers could always be counted on to pick the one who was the abovest and beyondest.

The first half of the year was dominated by the victories of President Biden, Ukraine and, for three of four weeks in June, the House January 6 Select Committee. While all three figured prominently in the second half as well, the love was spread around more—from Alaska to Brazil, from California to Iran, and plenty of nooks and crannies in between. So let's make the leap downstairs and close out our last column of 2022 with a reminder of the feats of do-gooderism that gave our endorphins a li'l tickle between July and now.

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