Climate Crisis: Election Year. Join the Rebellion for Life

1 year ago 94

Tena koe Friend,

We hope everyone is safe and dry and getting assistance if needed following the floods of last week.

‘I am confident climate change contributed significantly to the incredible volume of rain that fell so quickly in Auckland this time.’
James Renwick is a professor of physical geography (climate science) at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington.–the-city-needs-stormwater-systems-fit-for-climate-change

Join us to help make the climate crisis a big election issue.

Upcoming Actions:

Sunday February 12th 5 pm Auckland Domestic Airport

Monday February 13th 7 am Auckland Domestic Airport

Wednesday Banner painting

Thursday February 25th 6 am Fanshaw St.


03/03/23 Global Climate Strike 3 pm Te Komititanga Britomart Station

Sunday 23rd 2-4 pm March Eco Fest Workshop

Saturday 22nd April Earth Day Rally

Easter: Taranaki action organised by Climate Justice

Upcoming Restore Passenger Rail


Planning meetings – help make actions happen Fortnightly Zoom meetings

Join the Council Pressure Group

Be a Red Rebel

Help with designing and making banners and placards

Help with the Website.

Sending off MP’s, Cabinet Ministers and the Deputy PM

Sunday 12th at 5 pm and Monday 13th at 7 am

Parliament is opening February 14th. Join us to ensure the parliamentarians leaving for the opening of Parliament know addressing climate crisis is critical this year. They followed the science for the pandemic and saved many lives. They need to follow the science for the climate crisis and save lives.

Contact us for sharing transport or get the airport bus.

Stop the polluters

February 23rd

Successive governments inaction on the climate crisis and we are now in this critical state. Internationally people are rising up, taking actions to stop the polluters.

Join the action to stop the mad rush for profits knowingly ignoring the damage to our fragile ecosystem, making the planet unlivable.

Contact us for details.

If in doubt how to talk with friends and family who want to understand why you are with Extinction Rebellion try this for great information:

Global Strike For Climate Tāmaki Makaurau

03/03/23 3 pm Te Komititanga/Britomart station.

First strike for 2023, demanding transparent and meaningful climate action from our decision makers. Bring your placards, banners, masks, and loving rage as we stand together to ask for a real deliberative response to the climate crisis: Race to Zero Emissions

Council Action Group

At the end of last year, December 15, the Council signed off on a proposal by the Mayor for a 5% cut on operational funding for local boards. The concern at that time was for ways to fit a $295 million budget shortfall.

That was before the floods.

The draft Annual Plan – which sets out Councils budget for 2023/2024 Annual Plan – is due to be released for public examination and feedback at the end of February. Meantime, all the local boards have been having, or are about to have, a meeting to decide on their local area budget. The one for my local board, Devonport-Takapuna, is scheduled for Tuesday 7th. I plan to attend because I think that the storm we have had probably needs us to have a bit of a re-think, both at local levels and throughout the region. In my view, whatever budget trimming happens, it must not be at the risk of climate change responses. In my view, if the storm has shown anything, it’s shown the importance of “soft infrastructure” – community group supports, communication networks, public information – as well as attention to the storm-water system. If you want to know what your own local board it thinking, the website is:

Mairi, Lead for the Council Action Group.

Restore Passenger Rail

Many Rebels are active in this campaign. What success! A national conversation (over 40 items in various media) the Minister at first angry at us taking actions (expected) then agreeing to talk with us (expected!). Thanks to the five Rebels from Tamaki Makaurau who helped this campaign. We support them as they go through the various Court cases.

RPR is the promised active disruptive non-violent action campaign of XR. Let’s not split our scarce resources. Let’s collaborate, work together. It is vital that we are successful.

The campaign continues. To join go to Attend a talk/workshop “Our Responsibilities at This Time. Then attend a non-violent action workshop, take smaller actions such as those above and invite friends and family to join.
XR Planning meetings:

Bring your ideas, enthusiasm and skills. It’s taking everything we’ve got to be successful – which we must. Fortnightly Mondays. In person or join by Zoom. We are currently changing the meeting time so contact us directly. Next newsletter will confirm details.

Or join a working group: Red rebels, banner making, Placards, Cyber Rebellion, Phone tree, social media, public meetings, leafleting, poster runs and more.

Climate Coffee Club

A great way yo get to know us. Join us for a weekend Brunch. Variable Saturday or Sunday. This coming Sunday have dinner with us at the Airport 6 pm . Contact Philipp for details 0223126852

Can’t join actions?

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

Looking forward to seeing you at these actions and ongoing at actions
as together we Rebel to change the system
to live within planetary boundaries

Race to Zero Emissions for 1.5 or <2 degree

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