Coatings, Vol. 13, Pages 237: Assessment of AF4 Parylene Cohesion/Adhesion on Si and SiO2 Substrates by Means of Pull-Off Energy

1 year ago 35

Coatings, Vol. 13, Pages 237: Assessment of AF4 Parylene Cohesion/Adhesion on Si and SiO2 Substrates by Means of Pull-Off Energy

Coatings doi: 10.3390/coatings13020237

Authors: Taulant Sinani Dmytro Solonenko Goran Miskovic

Advanced packaging solutions require insulation and passivation materials with exceptional properties which can also fulfill the reliability needs of electronics devices such as MEMS, sensors or power modules. Since bonding (cohesive/adhesive) properties of packaging coatings are very important for reliable functioning of electronics devices, the bonding of aliphatic fluorinate-4 (AF4) parylene coatings was assessed in this work. As there is a lack of data regarding its bonding towards different substrates, pull-off tests of 1.6 and 2.5 µm thick AF4 coatings on silicon (Si) and glass (SiO2) substrates were performed. These showed a clear difference in the pull-off F/s curves between the AF4 coatings on Si and SiO2 substrates. This difference is parameterized by the pull-off energy, which will be presented in this work. To further understand the origin of the distinction in the pull-off energies between the AF4-Si and AF4-SiO2 samples and subsequently the cohesive/adhesive properties, mechanical and structural characterization was conducted on the AF4 coatings, where a clear difference in the E-modulus and crystallinity was observed. The Si and SiO2 wafers were shown to facilitate the CVD growth of the AF4 film distinctively, which likely relates to the divergent thermal properties of the substrates. Understanding of the cohesive/adhesive properties of AF4 coatings on different substrate materials advances the usage of the AF4 in electronics packaging technologies.

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