Computation, Vol. 11, Pages 58: Research on Scientific Directions for Flying Cars at the Preliminary Design Stage

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Computation, Vol. 11, Pages 58: Research on Scientific Directions for Flying Cars at the Preliminary Design Stage

Computation doi: 10.3390/computation11030058

Authors: Andrii Humennyi Liliia Buival Zeyan Zheng

This article was written to investigate the research on the scientific directions for flying cars at the preliminary design stage to provide a rationale for the choice of scientific research in the area of flying cars. At present, the population of the Earth is gradually increasing, and traffic congestion will become a common phenomenon in cities in the future. This work used the methods of theoretical and statistical analysis to form an overall picture of this area of research. We researched the statistical data analysis conducted by scientists who dealt with flying cars and the associated issues. We gave a rationale for the choice of the object of scientific research, which is flying cars. People can read this information to have a starting point in their understanding of flying car design. This analysis of famous scientific works provides possible scientific directions that the research can take with respect to designing a flying car that combines the advantages of an airplane and a car and can take off and land on a normal highway for a short distance, as well as help people reach their destination quickly and easily.

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