Congressional Republicans Prep Another Legislative Handout to Big Oil

1 year ago 86

Ahead of tomorrow’s mark up of the TAP American Energy Act, Accountable.US released a new analysis debunking the GOP’s erroneous justifications for the legislation. Their latest industry-friendly energy bill would severely limit the environmental review process for potentially hazardous new oil and gas projects. In doing so, it would eliminate an avenue to present opposition for local communities that are most at risk to the pollution these projects cause.

Jordan Schreiber, Director of Energy and Environment at Accountable.US, said:

The Big Oil-backed GOP majority is trying to give the oil and gas industry free rein over our public lands so they can continue their exploitation for private profit. The industry knows its pollution-intensive projects are unpopular with local communities; that's why they’re seeking to limit their ability to voice opposition.

This bill is only the latest example of House Republicans using their majority to advance Big Oil’s interest rather than fighting for consumers and it certainly won't be the last. This all comes immediately after the industry posted a record-setting $290 billion in annual profits. Their greed truly has no limits
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