Cop28 live: ‘time to be ambitious’ says president as summit enters final days

10 months ago 36

The climate summit is heading into the final part of the negotations. We’ll be following events here all day

These were some of the main developments yesterday at Cop28 in Dubai:

Conference president Al Jaber warned that “failure is not an option” as he prepares a final package for delegates.

Vulnerable countries were unhappy at the weak language on climate adaptation.

Human Rights Day was marked by civil society complaints about restrictions on protest.

Experts were worried that carbon emissions trading could become a “black box’ due to inadequate transparency.

Global food production will become ‘problematic’ even at 1.5C, a US envoy has predicted.

Argentina was due to swear in a new climate-denying president who has reportedly put the tourism minister in charge of the environment.

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