Data rewriting and erroneous statements…Sloppy handling continues at Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant Unit No.2 of JAERI, Regulatory Commission suggests termination of review if no improvement is made

1 year ago 96

Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant (photo taken in January 2021)

December 19, 2022
At a special meeting on December 19, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) exchanged opinions with Mamoru Muramatsu, president of Japan Atomic Power Company (JAERI), and others regarding the review of Tsuruga Unit 2 (Fukui Prefecture), where inappropriate rewriting of geological data was discovered. Shinsuke Yamanaka, chairman of the regulatory commission, said that if the data is not improved in the future, “the commission will have to discuss whether to continue the examination,” and indicated that he would consider suspending or terminating the examination.
 The rewriting of the data was discovered in February 2020 when the regulatory commission pointed it out. In order to determine whether the fault directly under the reactor building was an active fault that could cause an earthquake, the state of the geological strata taken out by drilling was rewritten in 80 locations. Many other errors were also found.
 The regulatory commission’s examination, which had been suspended, resumed on March 9 because the company had established rules for entering data, but at that time, new errors were also found. The number of errors in the data has totaled 1,296 so far.
 At the meeting, Akira Ishiwata, a member of the committee in charge of reviewing earthquake and tsunami countermeasures, said, “There are 1,300 errors, and only JAEPCO would submit such materials. If there are any more errors, it will be difficult to continue the examination. Mr. Yamanaka expressed his distrust, asking, “Are they sure about their technical capabilities? (Nozomi Masui)

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