Diversity, Vol. 15, Pages 1091: Spatiotemporal Patterns in the Distribution of Albacore, Bigeye, Skipjack, and Yellowfin Tuna Species within the Exclusive Economic Zones of Tonga for the Years 2002 to 2018

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Diversity, Vol. 15, Pages 1091: Spatiotemporal Patterns in the Distribution of Albacore, Bigeye, Skipjack, and Yellowfin Tuna Species within the Exclusive Economic Zones of Tonga for the Years 2002 to 2018

Diversity doi: 10.3390/d15101091

Authors: Siosaia Vaihola Dawit Yemane Stuart Kininmonth

The Tongan fisheries targeting the species of albacore (Thunnus alalunga), bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), comprising the main tuna catch landed, within the EEZ of Tonga is critical to the economy of Tonga. Thus, it is crucial to study the spatiotemporal pattern of their catch and the influence of environmental and physical variables, in addition to the month and year of the catch. To this end, sets of eight generalized additive models were applied to model the distribution of these four species. Selection among competing models was carried out based on k-fold cross-validation, using RMSPE prediction error as a measure of model predictive performance. The following sets of predictors were considered; sea surface temperature, sea surface chlorophyll, bottom depth, month, and year. In addition, to assess the influence of fronts, gradients in SST and Chl-a were computed and used as predictors. Catch year was the most important variable for all, except Albacore tuna, for which month was the important variable. The third most important variable was SST for albacore and bigeye tuna, whereas bottom depth was the most important variable for skipjack and yellowfin tuna. A standardized index of CPUE indicates mostly inter-annual variation in CPUE for albacore and bigeye tuna, whereas a it indicates a general increase in CPUE for skipjack and yellowfin tuna. Hotspots of albacore tuna catches are around the northern and southern edges of the exclusive economic zone and typically during the months of June to August. The bigeye tuna hotspots were concentrated on the eastern side of the islands, in waters overlying trenches; this was most obvious during the months of January to June. Skipjack tuna hotspots were near the edges of the exclusive economic zone, although it is caught in smaller amounts to the three tuna species considered and higher catch rates were observed only after 2014. For yellowfin tuna, the highest catch rates were concentrated around the islands and descending towards the southern edge of the EEZ. As part of the initiative of this study to support national optimal resource management, this study generated standardized CPUE (indices of abundance), an important input in stock assessment, and also looked into the potential influence of environmental and physical variables on the CPUE of these valuable tuna stocks within the EEZ of Tonga.

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