Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 1332: Declarative Secure Placement of FaaS Orchestrations in the Cloud-Edge Continuum

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Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 1332: Declarative Secure Placement of FaaS Orchestrations in the Cloud-Edge Continuum

Electronics doi: 10.3390/electronics12061332

Authors: Alessandro Bocci Stefano Forti Gian-Luigi Ferrari Antonio Brogi

The decision-making related to the placement of applications made from orchestrated serverless functions onto Cloud-Edge infrastructures is a challenging problem as it must consider functional and non-functional requirements. In this article, we propose a novel declarative methodology to determine the placement of FaaS orchestration onto Cloud-Edge resources while satisfying all the requirements of the FaaS orchestrations and relying on information-flow analyses and padding techniques to prevent information leaks through side channels. A motivating example from Augmented Reality is used to showcase the open-source declarative prototype implementing our proposal. Besides, the prototype is assessed via simulation to evaluate execution times, placement success rates and energy consumption.

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