Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 1460: Improvement of PBFT Algorithm Based on CART

1 year ago 31

Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 1460: Improvement of PBFT Algorithm Based on CART

Electronics doi: 10.3390/electronics12061460

Authors: Jian Liu Wenlong Feng Yu Zhang Feiyang He

In response to the problems of the practical Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithm (PBFT), such as random selection of master nodes and poor scalability, a CART-based PBFT optimization algorithm is proposed, namely the C-PBFT algorithm. First, the introduction of weighted impurity variables improves the CART algorithm, overcomes the mutual influence of attributes between nodes, and improves the classification accuracy. Secondly, through the point grouping mechanism, the nodes are divided into three types: consensus nodes, candidate nodes, and alternate nodes, which are dynamically adjusted based on node behavior to ensure the reliability of consensus nodes. Finally, the voting weight is introduced into the consensus node, and the consensus is reached by using the voting weight exceeding the threshold, which reduces the message transmission in the blockchain network and improves the efficiency of the algorithm operation. The experimental results show that the improved consensus algorithm has better performance in terms of delay, throughput, and fault tolerance and reduces the frequent switching of views caused by the failure of the master node.

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