Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 2215: Multi-Class Fuzzy-LORE: A Method for Extracting Local and Counterfactual Explanations Using Fuzzy Decision Trees

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Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 2215: Multi-Class Fuzzy-LORE: A Method for Extracting Local and Counterfactual Explanations Using Fuzzy Decision Trees

Electronics doi: 10.3390/electronics12102215

Authors: Najlaa Maaroof Antonio Moreno Aida Valls Mohammed Jabreel Pedro Romero

Multi-class classification is a fundamental task in Machine Learning. However, complex models can be viewed as black boxes, making it difficult to gain insight into how the model makes its predictions and build trust in its decision-making process. This paper presents a novel method called Multi-Class Fuzzy-LORE (mcFuzzy-LORE) for explaining the decisions made by multi-class fuzzy-based classifiers such as Fuzzy Random Forests (FRF). mcFuzzy-LORE is an adaptation of the Fuzzy-LORE method that uses fuzzy decision trees as an alternative to classical decision trees, providing interpretable, human-readable rules that describe the reasoning behind the model’s decision for a specific input. The proposed method was evaluated on a private dataset that was used to train an FRF-based multi-class classifier that assesses the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy in diabetic patients. The results show that mcFuzzy-LORE outperforms prior classical LORE-based methods in the generation of counterfactual instances.

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