Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 4259: Chinese Multicategory Sentiment of E-Commerce Analysis Based on Deep Learning

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Electronics, Vol. 12, Pages 4259: Chinese Multicategory Sentiment of E-Commerce Analysis Based on Deep Learning

Electronics doi: 10.3390/electronics12204259

Authors: Hongchan Li Jianwen Wang Yantong Lu Haodong Zhu Jiming Ma

With the continuous rise of information technology and social networks, and the explosive growth of network text information, text sentiment analysis technology now plays a vital role in public opinion monitoring and product development analysis on networks. Text data are high-dimensional and complex, and traditional binary classification can only classify sentiment from positive or negative aspects. This does not fully cover the various emotions of users, and, therefore, natural language semantic sentiment analysis has limitations. To solve this deficiency, we propose a new model for analyzing text sentiment that combines deep learning and the bidirectional encoder representation from transformers (BERT) model. We first use an advanced BERT language model to convert the input text into dynamic word vectors; then, we adopt a convolutional neural network (CNN) to obtain the relatively significant partial emotional characteristics of the text. After extraction, we use the bidirectional recurrent neural network (BiGRU) to bidirectionally capture the contextual feature message of the text. Finally, with the MultiHeadAttention mechanism we obtain correlations among the data in different information spaces from different subspaces so that the key information related to emotion in the text can be selectively extracted. The final emotional feature representation obtained is classified using Softmax. Compared with other similar existing methods, our model in this research paper showed a good effect in comparative experiments on an e-commerce text dataset, and the accuracy and F1-score of the classification were significantly improved.

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