Father Of Teenager Killed By Iranian Regime Slams Injustice

1 year ago 109

Abulfazl Adinezadeh at his son's grave. Undated

Abulfazl Adinezadeh at his son's grave. Undated

The father of a boy killed in Iran protests has lashed out at the judiciary saying that all Iranians are watching “the unjust actions” and justice will soon be served.

The father of Abulfazl Adinezadeh, a 17-year-old teenager who was shot dead by 24 bullets in the religious city of Mashhad, harshly condemned the execution of protesters ordered by Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei, Iran’s Chief Justice.

“How is it possible that you issue a death sentence for the death of a Basij militiaman within 23 days, but in my son’s case, the murderer has not been identified after 70 days and you have not allowed our lawyers to investigate the case,” he said in an Instagram post.

Iranian security forces killed Abolfazl Adinezadeh by firing a shotgun at him at point-blank range in the city of Mashhad on October 8. He died as a result of liver and kidney damage caused by birdshot, according to the BBC.

Saeed Eghbali, a human rights activist and political prisoner, in an audio file sent to Iran International from a prison near Tehran, asked people to keep holding demonstrations to stop the execution of protesters in Iran.

Earlier, Amnesty International announced in a statement that at least 26 people who were arrested during the uprising against the Islamic Republic are at risk of execution.

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