Free Speech For People Calls on Attorney General and Senate Judiciary Committee to Open Immediate Investigation into New Kavanaugh Allegations

1 year ago 80

Free Speech For People today issued a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, and Ranking Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, calling for immediate and thorough investigations into sexual misconduct, perjury, and conspiracy to obstruct a congressional proceeding involving Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The new allegations were raised in filmmaker Doug Liman’s documentary Justice, which premiered on January 20 at the Sundance Film Festival. The film presents disturbing new evidence of Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct, potential perjury, and details of what a Kavanaugh friend described as a conspiracy to “cover-up” Kavanaugh’s actions to smooth the way for his 2018 U.S. Senate confirmation.

“We call on both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate fully these matters,” the letter reads.

Free Speech For People also released a petition, asking the public to support its call on the Attorney General and Senate Judiciary Committee.

Free Speech For People’s letter issued today cites new evidence from the film “of conduct by Kavanaugh and his associates (perhaps even before his accusers came forward) concerning the 2018 Senate hearing itself.”

The letter continues: “For example, the film shows a 2018 text message discussion amongst mutual acquaintances of Kavanaugh and Deborah Ramirez, regarding Ramirez’s soon-to-be-public allegations that Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her. According to the text messages shown in the documentary, Kavanaugh asked a mutual friend to go on the record to defend him. Another friend referred to it as “a cover-up.” This indicates consciousness of guilt – and therefore evidence that he may have knowingly perjured himself in the confirmation hearings – and a potential conspiracy to obstruct and defraud the Senate by coordinating a false information campaign.”

Read the letter here.

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