Fukushima, the needle, and the damage done

1 year ago 92

Lit by Imagination

Emeritus Professor Fukushima, Kyoto University, Blasts the Ministry of Health, calling for an Investigation of all Vaccine Injuries

I started learning a great deal about the corruption of medical science after the triple meltdown at Fukushima-Daiichi in 2011. I learned from many people in the anti-nuclear movement about the process by which the nuclear industry, national governments, the IAEA and the WHO marginalized any scientist whose studies revealed disturbing evidence of the harms that come from all aspects of the nuclear industry—mining, fuel production, bomb production, meltdowns, minor and catastrophic accidents, and the unresolvable problems of long-term nuclear waste storage (forget the misnomer “disposal”). Dr. John W. Gofman was the prime example of such a scientist. His career has been thoroughly documented by David Ratcliffe on the Ratical.org website.[1]

One particular case that arose from the Fukushima meltdowns was the question about what was causing the increase in thyroid…

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