Harris links climate action to American values as part of presidential push

2 days ago 21

Vice President Kamala Harris is reframing climate action as a patriotic duty, a strategy researchers say could boost support across political divides.

Kate Yoder reports for Grist.

In short:

  • A New York University study suggests that presenting climate action as part of preserving the American way of life can sway opinions across political lines.
  • The study, involving nearly 60,000 people, showed patriotic language increased belief in climate change and support for environmental policies among Americans.
  • Experts caution that using patriotism in this context could backfire if perceived as insincere or manipulative.

Key quote:

“It’s encouraging to see politicians adopting this type of language.”

— Katherine Mason, psychology researcher, New York University

Why this matters:

Framing climate action as a defense of American values may bridge divides and garner broader support for critical environmental policies. However, the strategy’s effectiveness hinges on authenticity, as it risks alienating some audiences if mishandled.

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