Hydrology, Vol. 10, Pages 89: Search for a Relevant Scale to Optimize the Quality Monitoring of Groundwater Bodies in the Occitanie Region (France)

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Hydrology, Vol. 10, Pages 89: Search for a Relevant Scale to Optimize the Quality Monitoring of Groundwater Bodies in the Occitanie Region (France)

Hydrology doi: 10.3390/hydrology10040089

Authors: Meryem Jabrane Abdessamad Touiouine Vincent Valles Abdelhak Bouabdli Said Chakiri Ismail Mohsine Youssouf El Jarjini Moad Morarech Yannick Duran Laurent Barbiero

In France, and more generally in Europe, the high number of groundwater bodies (GWB) per administrative region is an obstacle for the management and monitoring of water for human consumption by regional health agencies. Moreover, GWBs show a high spatial, temporal, physico-chemical, and bacteriological variability. The objective is to establish homogeneous groupings of GWB from the point of view of water quality and the processes responsible for this quality. In the Occitanie region in southwestern France, the cross-referencing of two databases, namely the French reference system for groundwater bodies and SISE-EAUX, provided a dataset of 8110 observations and 15 parameters distributed over 106 GWB. The 8-step approach, including data conditioning, dimensional reduction by Principal Component Analysis, and hierarchical clustering, resulted in 20 homogeneous groups of GWB over the whole region. The loss of information caused by this grouping is quantified by the evolution of the explained variance. Splitting the region into two large basins (Adour-Garonne and Rhône Méditerranée) according to the recommendations of the European community does not result in a significant additional loss of information contained in the data. A quick study of a few groups allows to highlight the specificities of each one, thus enabling targeted guidelines or recommendations for water quality management and monitoring. In the future, the method will have to be tested on the scale of large European watersheds, as well as in the context of an increase in the number of parameters.

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