IJERPH, Vol. 20, Pages 5040: The Effect and Cost-Effectiveness of Offering a Combined Lifestyle Intervention for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Primary Care: Results of the Healthy Heart Stepped-Wedge Trial

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IJERPH, Vol. 20, Pages 5040: The Effect and Cost-Effectiveness of Offering a Combined Lifestyle Intervention for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Primary Care: Results of the Healthy Heart Stepped-Wedge Trial

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph20065040

Authors: Emma A. Nieuwenhuijse Rimke C. Vos Wilbert B. van den Hout Jeroen N. Struijs Sanne M. Verkleij Karin Busch Mattijs E. Numans Tobias N. Bonten

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of offering the combined lifestyle programme “Healthy Heart”, addressing overweight, diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol, to improve lifestyle behaviour and reduce cardiovascular risk. Design: A practice-based non-randomised stepped-wedge cluster trial with two-year follow-up. Outcomes were obtained via questionnaires and routine care data. A cost–utility analysis was performed. During the intervention period, “Healthy Heart” was offered during regular cardiovascular risk management consultations in primary care in The Hague, The Netherlands. The period prior to the intervention period served as the control period. Results: In total, 511 participants (control) and 276 (intervention) with a high cardiovascular risk were included (overall mean ± SD age 65.0 ± 9.6; women: 56%). During the intervention period, 40 persons (15%) participated in the Healthy Heart programme. Adjusted outcomes did not differ between the control and intervention period after 3–6 months and 12–24 months. Intervention versus control (95% CI) 3–6 months: weight: β −0.5 (−1.08–0.05); SBP β 0.15 (−2.70–2.99); LDL-cholesterol β 0.07 (−0.22–0.35); HDL-cholesterol β −0.03 (−0.10–0.05); physical activity β 38 (−97–171); diet β 0.95 (−0.93–2.83); alcohol OR 0.81 (0.44–1.49); quit smoking OR 2.54 (0.45–14.24). Results were similar for 12–24 months. Mean QALYs and mean costs of cardiovascular care were comparable over the full study period (mean difference (95% CI) QALYs: −0.10 (−0.20; 0.002); costs: EUR 106 (−80; 293)). Conclusions: For both the shorter (3–6 months) and longer term (12–24 months), offering the Healthy Heart programme to high-cardiovascular-risk patients did not improve their lifestyle behaviour nor cardiovascular risk and was not cost-effective on a population level.

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