IJMS, Vol. 25, Pages 8146: DeepPGD: A Deep Learning Model for DNA Methylation Prediction Using Temporal Convolution, BiLSTM, and Attention Mechanism

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IJMS, Vol. 25, Pages 8146: DeepPGD: A Deep Learning Model for DNA Methylation Prediction Using Temporal Convolution, BiLSTM, and Attention Mechanism

International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms25158146

Authors: Shoryu Teragawa Lei Wang Yi Liu

As part of the field of DNA methylation identification, this study tackles the challenge of enhancing recognition performance by introducing a specialized deep learning framework called DeepPGD. DNA methylation, a crucial biological modification, plays a vital role in gene expression analyses, cellular differentiation, and the study of disease progression. However, accurately and efficiently identifying DNA methylation sites remains a pivotal concern in the field of bioinformatics. The issue addressed in this paper is the presence of methylation in DNA, which is a binary classification problem. To address this, our research aimed to develop a deep learning algorithm capable of more precisely identifying these sites. The DeepPGD framework combined a dual residual structure involving Temporal convolutional networks (TCNs) and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) networks to effectively extract intricate DNA structural and sequence features. Additionally, to meet the practical requirements of DNA methylation identification, extensive experiments were conducted across a variety of biological species. The experimental results highlighted DeepPGD’s exceptional performance across multiple evaluation metrics, including accuracy, Matthews’ correlation coefficient (MCC), and the area under the curve (AUC). In comparison to other algorithms in the same domain, DeepPGD demonstrated superior classification and predictive capabilities across various biological species datasets. This significant advancement in algorithmic prowess not only offers substantial technical support, but also holds potential for research and practical implementation within the DNA methylation identification domain. Moreover, the DeepPGD framework shows potential for application in genomics research, biomedicine, and disease diagnostics, among other fields.

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