International Call launched by RNA International - Extinction Rebellion #XR and #fff Fridays For Future 'Leaders': Please Say something about #Nuclear ! DON'T NUKE THE CLIMATE!

3 years ago 669

First of all, thanks to the supporters who have chosen to be among the FIRST HUNDRED signatories of the ANTINUCLEAR appeal addressed to the "Leaders" of Extinction Rebellion ("XR") and FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE ("fff")

As you may have noticed, this is NOT a "petition" like many others usually addressed to governments and institutions. We wanted to launch a political initiative aimed at two important "climate" movements that have made headlines especially in the last two years.

Although it may seem almost obvious, in the historical tradition of environmental battles and mobilizations the themes of the fight against fossil fuels, against nuclear energy and against climate disaster, have always been carried out without one excluding the other. This is NOT the case with regard to the two Movements mentioned above.

The Nuclear issue is TOTALLY ABSENT from ALL the initiatives, documents, press releases, positions taken and also in the "debate" regarding Extinction Rebellion and Fridays For Future. IN any place.

If there is any insignificant exception ... it only serves to confirm the rule of evidence that nobody, NOBODY, can deny.

On social networks, where moreover the spaces for authentic discussion are increasingly mortified by the corporate policies of the proprietary multinationals, it has been verified that just posing the nuclear problem in the official or semi-official groups of the two organizations in question can expose you to the risk of being banned or attacked. From the herd interventions (often tolerated and defended by the administrators of XR and FFF) of nuclear wire trolls who are the masters and who seem to have as their only mission that of defending corporate interests and related propaganda, than never before, as in this last period peddles nuclear power as a "green" and "climate solution" .... until to the point of flaunting blatant Denial of the disasters of the past.

Among the large multitude of documents of every "environmentalist" initiative and on the climate disaster produced and published on the official sites of XR and FFF, everything is dealt with, actions are prepared with placards and banners quoting anything, even exhuming Leninist 'anti-imperialism' and Third Worldism , they even deal with the protection of San Marino cockroaches .... but NOT a line on nuclear power. Indeed, NOT a word.

All this, by now, can NO longer be left to chance ..., it can no longer be attributable to attention priorities dictated by the "pragmatism of the contingent" (which would still be wrong) and least of all by the upset ingenuity of new generations of militants , but it is clear that the pressing campaign, waged through the media all over the planet, is fooling us hustling nuclear power as a "green" solution for the climate. All this must have overwhelmed in body and mind these two great organizations that for the moment are 'tactically' silent.

The thing becomes even more worrying when we learn news such as those of the BBC (but not only):

"Extinction Rebellion: Nuclear power 'only option' says former spokeswoman" - Just to quote an "authoritative" source ... If you try to open a discussion on this issue in the official social groups you will see shameful reactions up to the ban: it is forbidden to talk about it.

As for the RNA appeal initiative, we knew at the outset that it would be received in a COLD way, especially by those who do not see (or do not want to pay attention) to the facts exposed.

On the other hand, the international anti-nuclear movement is NOT in good shape. Time passes, generations change, memory poverty increases. There is a lot of counterproductive self-referentiality everywhere, infiltrations of private interests and political careers that have always prevented a strong continuous development of action and struggles.

Underestimating, ignoring the issues set out here, looking at them with disdain without taking positions is wrong. To close oneself in the narrow self-referential circle is wrong. Especially in consideration of the fact that the global nuclear lobby is mounting a deceitful campaign to get nuclear power included in COP Climate Conference in November. Their ''clean'' ''green'' lies must be exposed.

This battle also concerns international mobilization for the defense of the environment and against the climate disaster. To exclude from all this the fight against the most colabrodesque, mass murderer, bankruptcy and disastrous of technologies is the most serious mistake that can be made.

You can contact or follow RNA on its official websites:

(look at the ten sections that are not very visible via smartphone)

Social Media: (from 2009) (from 2010)

On the Group: "Don'T Nuke The Climate":

We attach a youtube video document "TO NOT FORGET" dated back to the historic battles that, in Italy, led to the victory of the 2011 anti-nuclear referendum.

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