Iranian Hardliner Women Vow To ‘Strike Fear’ Into Israel By Cooking Maqluba

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Iranian Hardliner Women Vow To ‘Strike Fear’ Into Israel By Cooking Maqluba

Thursday, 11/02/2023

Pro-government women in Iran are cooking the famous Levantine ‘upside down’ dish of maqluba to “instil fear” into Israel amid the war in Gaza.

In the latest regime campaign against its archenemy Israel which is currently fighting the Iran-backed Hamas militia, regime posters offer the “Invitation to Turn Pots to Instil Fear In Israelis”. An image shows a Palestinian woman turning a pot of rice on a platter outside Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

The ‘maqluba campaign’ is the latest in a string of propaganda stunts from the Islamic Republic and has been amplified following Hamas' October 7 invasion of Israel which has led to the worst war in Gaza since the proscribed terror group took over in 2007.

“Tehrani women … will express their support for mothers in Gaza by cooking the most political dish in the world,” hardliner journalist Mahdi Shakibaei tweeted while another promoter of the campaign said cooking maqluba in the heart of Tehran bears the message that “the Zionist regime is doomed to destruction.”

Meanwhile, Iranian leaders continue to issue threats to escalate the war while the regime's regional proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen continue to send attacks towards Israel and US targets in the region.

The maqluba campaign has been mocked by many of the Iranian public. “May God have mercy on us. I think Iran will have the most casualties in the defense of Gaza. First not drinking Coca Cola and Pepsi and now eating maqluba. The people of Gaza would be indebted to [Iranians] for these sacrifices till the end of time,” another sarcastic tweet said.

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