Iranian Official Held Over Ties to IRGC Leaves France

2 months ago 22

Bashir Biazar, a former Iranian official detained in France for links to Iran's Quds Force has left for Iran.

Mohammad Mehdi Rahimi, Director General of Public Relations at the President's Office, said: “He has been released and is on his way back to the homeland."

Biazar has lived in France since 2022 with his family but it is yet unclear if he was deported.

However, last week, Iran International learned that he was detained and held in administrative detention - a step known to precede deportation - for links to the Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force.

French Interior Ministry documents seen by Iran International describe Biazar as a former director of Iran's state broadcast and someone connected with Unit 840 of the Quds Force, whose mission is to conduct covert and terrorist operations outside Iran, including the attack and intimidation of dissidents.

Iranian state news tried to dismiss the allegations, portraying him as merely a "musician".

While arrested, activist group Iran Justice and victims of human rights violations filed a complaint against Biazar in Paris, with allegations including torture for his part in airing forced confessions of dissidents on state TV while working for IRIB.

Lawyer Chirinne Ardakani told France 24 that the group hoped to keep Biazar in France to face trial, his return to Iran now ensuring he will face no further legal action.

His release, the conditions of which are yet unclear, comes while several French citizens remain imprisoned in Iran. Cécile Kohler, Jacques Paris, and Louis Arnaud are among the unknown number of foreign and dual-nationals held by Iran, raising suspicions of a deal done to release diplomatic hostages held by Tehran.

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