Israel Says Hamas Had Instructions To Make Cyanide Bombs

11 months ago 21

Israeli President Isaac Herzog

Israel Says Hamas Had Instructions To Make Cyanide Bombs

Monday, 10/23/2023

Israeli President Isaac Herzog has revealed that Hamas terrorists responsible for the October 7 massacre in Israel were carrying instructions for using cyanide bombs.

Herzog said the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) discovered a USB drive on one of the dead militants containing instructions for constructing a cyanide dispersion device.

The surprise attack on October 7 when thousands of terrorists infiltrated Israel after thousands of rockets rained down from Gaza, saw over 1,400 civilians slaughtered and hundreds more soldiers. At least 212 hostages are now being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

During an interview with the Sky News, Herzog said the origin of the instructions could possibly be traced back to a 2003 Al Qaeda blueprint for chemical weaponry.

Herzog stated, "It's Al Qaeda material. Official Al Qaeda material. We are dealing with ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hamas."

"What we went through is evil. We have to uproot it, and when you uproot evil, you see people supporting evil, you see them in demonstrations in London or anywhere else in the world. Why are you supporting evil? What's the story? Do you really believe that human beings need to be tortured? Civilians, pregnant women?" he added.

With the majority of Hamas' capabilities coming from its main backer, Iran, the link to cyanide capabilities coming from the regime cannot be ruled out either with the regime having long links to chemical warfare.

A 1990 US Department of Defense report concluded that both Iran and Iraq used chemical weapons in Halabja during the Iran-Iraq war. Iran allegedly attacked the town with cyanide gas bombs and artillery, and Iraqi forces allegedly used a mixture of mustard gas and nerve agents. 

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