‘It’s great … except when it’s not’: RishGPT reveals his insights on AI | John Crace

11 months ago 50

Deprived of a legacy, the PM hopes we might at least remember him as having stated the obvs about the tech

We are now into uncharted ontological and epistemological territory. Deep into the metaphysical world. How would you know if Rishi Sunak was giving a speech on artificial intelligence? Could you ever really know that it was him? Or even if there really is a him? And could you differentiate the words from those generated by ChatGPT on an off-day?

Artificial intelligence has progressed exponentially in recent years. As has artificial stupidity. So much so it’s often hard to differentiate between the two. Only seven years ago, the Conservative party gave us Theresa May. The original 1980s Amstrad version of a prime minister. The Maybot. Primitive malware that could only repeat a few phrases in a staccato bark. Even so, it took the Tories three years to realise she was completely ineffective and junk her. They wanted to believe and finally had to accept the evidence that had been staring them in the face.

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