JSAN, Vol. 12, Pages 14: Dynamic Decentralized Reputation System from Blockchain and Secure Multiparty Computation

1 year ago 35

JSAN, Vol. 12, Pages 14: Dynamic Decentralized Reputation System from Blockchain and Secure Multiparty Computation

Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks doi: 10.3390/jsan12010014

Authors: Khalid Mrabet Faissal El Bouanani Hussain Ben-Azza

In decentralized environments, such as mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), traditional reputation management systems are not viable due to their dependence on a central authority that is both accessible and trustworthy for all participants. This is particularly challenging in light of the dynamic nature of these networks. To overcome these limitations, our proposed solution utilizes blockchain technology to maintain global reputation information while remaining fully decentralized, and to secure multiparty computation to ensure privacy. Our system is not limited to specific settings, such as buyer/seller or provider/client scenarios, where only a subset of the network are raters while the others are ratees. Instead, it allows all nodes to participate in both rating and being rated. In terms of security, the system maintains feedback privacy in the semi-honest model, even in the presence of up to n−2 dishonest parties, while requiring only O(n) messages and having an O(n) computation overhead. Furthermore, the adopted techniques enable the system to achieve unique characteristics such as accessibility, consistency, and verifiability, as supported by the security analysis provided.

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