Kentucky candidate promises no 'transgenders in our school system'

1 year ago 51

Donald Trump’s former U.N. Ambassador Kelly Craft is running in the Kentucky Republican gubernatorial primary, a nasty battle that will determine the party's challenger to current Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear. Though she has more money than God, thanks to her husband's status as a billionaire coal baron, her actual campaign has been shaky at best. That's because Craft has just been just gawdawful as a candidate, a condition which she's been attempting to remedy by smothering the campaign with enough money to asphyxiate the other candidates, the voters, and whatever stray wildlife might have wandered by.

Craft is trying to ingratiate herself with Kentucky Republican primary voters in the usual way: casual use of eliminationist rhetoric aimed at children. Specifically, transgender children. In a telephonic town hall on Monday, she attempted to pile on the Republicanism's targeting of trans Americans by explaining that in a Craft administration, those children would simply ... go away.

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