Long Island Earth Day 2020 – Climate Action Now!

4 years ago 296

Long Island Earth Day 2020 – Climate Action Now! is a collaborative effort organized by South Country Peace Group in collaboration with Suffolk County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation connecting major LI peace, justice and environmental organizations and residents to highlight the landmark 50th Anniversary of the very first Earth Day.

On Sunday, September 20th, 1:30 - 2:30pm at Southaven County Park a commemorative ceremony is planned for the rededication of an historic Peace Pole with speakers and music provided by Rick Sackett and Shannon Gibbons.

Monday, September 21st , 7-8:30pm Long Island Earth Day 2020 –

Climate Action Now! will present a live-streamed Virtual program featuring a dozen major local and regional environmental, peace and justice groups. September 21 is the United Nations designated International Day of Peace and the start of Climate Week! Help identify and initiate activities that will demonstrate our connection to and love for the Earth, our concern about the deadly harm we are doing to her, and the many ways in which our personal and joint actions can foster healing change. Get tapped in! There is no Planet B!

The Virtual program will be live-streamed as a Zoom webinar, co-hosted by Deseri Tsepetis, LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives and Peace Action-NYS and Saad Amer, Founder of Plus1 Vote. Our hope is to tap the energy and awareness of as many people as possible, that they may participate and commit to actions for the wellbeing of Earth. Working toward restoration and protection, goals include the education and involvement of people caring for the Earth through the celebration of her bounty and beauty, recognition of her fragility, and making commitments to needed reversal of

catastrophic, human induced circumstances, the current Climate Reality. Our call is to action, especially Climate Action, focusing on Earth’s restoration and health.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LI Earth Day 2020 Collaborators:

1. Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Adrienne Esposito

2. Citizens Climate Lobby Long Island

3. CEED (Center for Environmental Education and Discovery)

4. ClimateMama, Harriet Shugarman

5. Climate Reality Project, NYC 6. East End Action Network

7. Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center

8. Food and Water Watch, Inc., Eric Weltman

9. Karl Grossman, Investigative Reporter/Professor of Journalism, Author

10. HealthyPlanet USA, Bob DiBenedetto

11. Homecoming Farm

12. League of Women Voters of Brookhaven

13. Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives, Deseri Tsepetis

14. Long Island Pine Barrens Society

15. North Country Peace Group

16. Open Space Council

17. Pax Christ LI

18. Peace Action-NYS (PANYS), Deseri Tsepetis

19. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

20. Plus 1Vote, Saad Amer, Founder

21. Poor People’s Campaign - L.I., Susan Karbiner, Co-Director

22. Sierra Club Long Island Group

23. South Country Peace Group, Inc.

24. SCCC Social Justice and Human Understanding Center

25. Suffolk County Council, Boy Scouts of America

26. Suffolk County Dept. of Parks, Recreation and Conservation

27. Students for Climate Action

28. The Grace Within

29. Vegan Long Island

30. Wilderness Traveling Museum

31. World Beat Groove

Call for info: 631-523-4663 or email: SouthCountryPeaceGroup@yahoo.com

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