Mathematics, Vol. 11, Pages 4469: Analysis of Within-Host Mathematical Models of Toxoplasmosis That Consider Time Delays

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Mathematics, Vol. 11, Pages 4469: Analysis of Within-Host Mathematical Models of Toxoplasmosis That Consider Time Delays

Mathematics doi: 10.3390/math11214469

Authors: Sharmin Sultana Gilberto González-Parra Abraham J. Arenas

In this paper, we investigate two within-host mathematical models that are based on differential equations. These mathematical models include healthy cells, tachyzoites, and bradyzoites. The first model is based on ordinary differential equations and the second one includes a discrete time delay. We found the models’ steady states and computed the basic reproduction number R0. Two equilibrium points exist in both models: the first is the disease-free equilibrium point and the second one is the endemic equilibrium point. We found that the initial quantity of uninfected cells has an impact on the basic reproduction number R0. This threshold parameter also depends on the contact rate between tachyzoites and uninfected cells, the contact rate between encysted bradyzoite and the uninfected cells, the conversion rate from tachyzoites to bradyzoites, and the death rate of the bradyzoites- and tachyzoites-infected cells. We investigated the local and global stability of the two equilibrium points for the within-host models that are based on differential equations. We perform numerical simulations to validate our analytical findings. We also demonstrated that the disease-free equilibrium point cannot lose stability regardless of the value of the time delay. The numerical simulations corroborated our analytical results.

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