McCarthy expected to get his 'win' later tonight as Gaetz and appears ready to fold

1 year ago 70

After spitting every invective his not-so-creative mind could dream up at Kevin McCarthy over the last week, it now seems that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-human trafficking) is now prepared to drop his opposition when the House resumes at 10PM ET on Friday evening. If this happens, it should mean McCarthy has finally given away enough of his office, authority, and soul to secure a “victory”—a victory in which he has already handed off everything that makes being speaker of the house have meaning. But hey … so far as we know, he does get the big office.

On Thursday, PodSaveAmerica recounted the reasons why they believed McCarthy was having difficulty nailed down his ever diminishing office.


Kevin McCarthy has two problems:

1) He stands for nothing.

2) There's no nice way to say this: He's stupid. He's famously stupid. He's an affable doofus. He's lived on his affability in a party that reveres doofus-ery.

— Pod Save America (@PodSaveAmerica) January 5, 2023

But what they forgot is “We are ill-informed and stand for nothing” might as well be the Republican Party motto. The only principle they run on is not having any principles, and a functioning brain is regarded as a failing. By that measure, it’s only right that Kevin McCarthy should be their king.

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