McConnell's least-favorite Republican draws primary challenge from 'very wealthy businessman'

1 year ago 50

Attorney Keith Gross, a Florida Republican who has described himself as a “very wealthy businessman, worth millions,” on Tuesday announced that he’d wage a primary challenge against Sen. Rick Scott. It remains to be seen, though, how much Gross is able or willing to self-fund for what, despite Scott’s horrible relationship with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, will be an uphill battle against an incumbent who deployed $64 million of his own money during his 2018 race.

Gross did not directly mention the senator in his announcement video, opting instead to portray himself as a D.C. outsider. However, Florida Politics notes the challenger appeared to be taking a not-very-subtle shot at the $1.7 billion Medicare fraud fine leveled at Scott’s former healthcare company when Gross called himself “someone that isn’t getting rich by riding fraud and corruption.” Gross added, “I’m not running to exploit votes for my own greedy agenda. I’ve already made my way, and I didn’t have to defraud anyone to do it.”

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