Meat and dairy companies prioritize advertising over emissions reduction

2 months ago 29

Meat and dairy companies invest minimal revenue in climate measures while spending significantly on advertising, a new report reveals.

Clare Carlile and Brigitte Wear report for DeSmog.

In short:

  • Major meat and dairy companies allocate a small fraction of their revenue to emissions reduction, with Brazilian giant JBS spending just 0.03%.
  • The sector, responsible for over 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions, faces accusations of greenwashing due to misleading sustainability claims.
  • Companies target younger consumers through social media, while opposing stricter environmental laws behind the scenes.

Key quote:

“They claim to be committed to climate solutions while employing deceptive tactics to distract, delay and derail meaningful action. These tactics mirror those of Big Oil and Big Tobacco, allowing them to continue their harmful practices unchecked.”

— Nusa Urbancic, CEO of Changing Markets Foundation

Why this matters:

Agriculture, particularly livestock farming, is responsible for a substantial share of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas emitted by cattle, and the extensive land and water resources required for meat and dairy production, pose significant environmental challenges. Despite these issues, major players in the industry have made only minimal commitments to reduce their carbon footprint.

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