Nanomaterials, Vol. 13, Pages 1202: Copper(II) and Cobalt(II) Complexes Based on Abietate Ligands from Pinus Resin: Synthesis, Characterization and Their Antibacterial and Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2

1 year ago 34

Nanomaterials, Vol. 13, Pages 1202: Copper(II) and Cobalt(II) Complexes Based on Abietate Ligands from Pinus Resin: Synthesis, Characterization and Their Antibacterial and Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2

Nanomaterials doi: 10.3390/nano13071202

Authors: Jamille de S. Correa Julia de O. Primo Nayara Balaba Christoph Pratsch Stephan Werner Henrique E. Toma Fauze J. Anaissi Ruddy Wattiez Cristina M. Zanette Rob C. A. Onderwater Carla Bittencourt

Co-abietate and Cu-abietate complexes were obtained by a low-cost and eco-friendly route. The synthesis process used Pinus elliottii resin and an aqueous solution of CuSO4/CoSO4 at a mild temperature (80 °C) without organic solvents. The obtained complexes are functional pigments for commercial architectural paints with antipathogenic activity. The pigments were characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), mass spectrometry (MS), thermogravimetry (TG), near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and colorimetric analysis. In addition, the antibacterial efficiency was evaluated using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test, and the antiviral tests followed an adaptation of the ISO 21702:2019 guideline. Finally, virus inactivation was measured using the RT-PCR protocol using 10% (w/w) of abietate complex in commercial white paint. The Co-abietate and Cu-abietate showed inactivation of >4 log against SARS-CoV-2 and a MIC value of 4.50 µg·mL−1 against both bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The results suggest that the obtained Co-abietate and Cu-abietate complexes could be applied as pigments in architectural paints for healthcare centers, homes, and public places.

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