Newsletter #1/2024 (englisch Version)

3 months ago 46

Dear friends, fellow campaigners and supporters,

currently, a lot is going on in the uranium mining sector – good reason for an up-date edition of our newsletter.

We examine the current situation on the uranium market, developments in the US which will also have an impacts internationally, and in particular the developments concerning uranium / uranium explotation as well as nuclear power in Africa.

We are always open to suggestions and queries. The newsletter may be forwarded to other interested individuals or NGOs.

Two remarks in regard to the ENGLISH version.

It’s not a 100% identical to the German version; the English version has some additional links to English-language articles and sources, and a few minor updates.

Some of you may already have received the German version (as an individual or NGO in the German speaking area), however, once we were aware that you also work internationally, we send the ENGLISH version, too.

Last not least, apologies to our French speaking friends; we simply do not have the capacity to translate properly into French. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Enfin, nous présentons nos excuses à nos amis francophones ; nous n’avons tout simplement pas la capacité de traduire correctement en français. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter (

take care,
Gunter Wippel & the team


1. On our own behalf
2. A Uranium Market update
3. COP 28, the Nuclear Pledge – What does this mean for uranium mining?
4. Developments in the USA: uranium imports from Russia to be stopped soon
5. Developments in Africa
5.1 Geopolitical developments, uranium mining and ‘nuclear diplomacy’
5.2 Tanzania – New activity by our partners
5.3 Namibia – ROSATOM reaches for Namibian uranium
5.4 Niger – Uncertain future for uranium mining
5.5 Mauritania – Uranium in the desert
5.6 Mali and the Falea mining project

Download Newsletter #1/2024 (pdf)


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