Nuclear 101: Back to Basics with BREDL

2 years ago 21

By The Fairewinds Crew

Since Fairewinds inception, we have worked with the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL), analyzing nuclear power risks throughout the southern states. We go way back. Most of the Fairewinds community will remember that our two organizations recently collaborated and uncovered that the unfinished Vogtle 3 reactor is sinking into the red Georgia clay, thus creating an unacceptable seismic risk. Furthermore, both Fairewinds and BREDL believe the ongoing construction of Vogtle Units 3 and 4 highlights that it is magical thinking that atomic power production is economically viable and environmentally safe.

Even though we have worked together for more than a decade, rather than take for granted that everyone understands the fundamentals of atomic power, BREDL’s Jenn Galler, Community Organizer and Project Manager, asked us to go back to the basics in her podcast, entitled In Our Backyard.

The timing of Jenn’s podcast interview in which she interviewed Maggie and Arnie with a “beginners mind” is perfect for the Fairewinds community as well. Jenn has a whole new series for members of BREDL and anyone who wants to listen and learn the danger of splitting atoms! Sort of a Nuclear 101 for the uninitiated! Jenn’s podcast links perfectly with our work during 2021 regarding Atomic Regulatory Collusion to the release of our latest peer-paper, Radioactive Microparticles Related to the Woolsey Fire in Simi Valley, CA, showing how radioactivity migrates in simple dust and dirt. What is in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat?

Fairewinds is proud to rebroadcast this Jenn Galler and BREDL production explaining the inherent dangers of atomic power and nuclear weapons wherever they may be around the country and worldwide.

Listen to Maggie & Arnie on the In Our Backyard Podcast below:


About Jenn Galler

Jenn Galler is a Community Organizer and Project Manager for the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) and helps to advance racial equity, further economic and environmental justice, promote democracy, teach leadership, and develop the sustainability of communities. Her work reveals people’s innate power and directs it towards a goal. Jenn also hosts the BREDL sponsored In Our Backyard Podcast.


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