Nuclear plant operations under review after sea turtle deaths

2 months ago 19

Thirteen sea turtles, including endangered species, were found dead in a canal linked to the Brunswick Nuclear Plant, prompting a federal review of the plant's impact on marine life.

Trista Talton reports for Coastal Review.

In short:

  • King tides and high winds damaged screens meant to keep marine life out of the plant's intake canal, leading to the deaths of 13 turtles.
  • The plant exceeded its annual limit of "takes," or unintended harm to protected species, which requires a review by federal agencies.
  • The plant is enhancing monitoring and protective measures to prevent future incidents.

Key quote:

"This was just an unusual situation. We’ve been operating this plant for almost 50 years and this is the first time in five decades that we’ve had any kind of event like this that have exceeded our limits."

— Karen Williams, Brunswick Nuclear Plant communications manager

Why this matters:

Sea turtles, especially endangered species, play a crucial role in marine ecosystems. The deaths of these turtles indicate potential vulnerabilities in environmental safeguards at nuclear plants, necessitating stricter regulations and improved protective measures.

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