Nuclear Power is NOT "Green" and NOT "renewable". Join the International Campaign Now | RNAnews

3 years ago 307

Right in these hours the European Parliament is preparing to officially declare nuclear power as "green" and as a model of "renewable energy". Never as in these hours is necessary an international and globalist union (yes: the globalist nuclear strategy must be fought with anti-nuclear globalism!) for an International Interference. Starting and getting position. Going beyond the limits of localism. Creating international actions and meetings. Recognizing the necessity to be really part along with others and... above all, by getting creative. That's the mean of this Call. A drop in the ocean... BUT just to start to create a butterfly effect:


LEAK: EU experts to say nuclear power qualifies for green investment label

Experts tasked with assessing whether the European Union should label nuclear power as a green investment will say that the fuel qualifies as sustainable, according to a leaked document.


On November 25, 2009, in Strasbourg, in view of the Copenhagen summit, the French Greens of Europe Ecologie voted in favor of a nuclear resolution: The Resolution contained a fundamental point that bound nuclear power as a necessary and indispensable mix, making it equal to renewable sources. Together with them many of the Italian left and the M5S of today...

On 25 July 2012 another fact casts shadows on the most important Italian environmental organization (which lives on state money): To transport nuclear waste to France and to throw off the protests, Ferrovie dello Stato used the "green train" of "Legambiente", that is the train that for over 20 years was granted for two months a year, to the well-known organization to make environmental awareness initiatives and traveling exhibitions in all Italian cities.

TODAY: Pro-Atom-Aktivisten bei den Demos von Fridays for Future (ZEIT online) - "Pro-nuclear activists at the Fridays for Future demos in Germany"... - In Finland, a government of the Greens is pushing ahead with the construction of a controversial nuclear reactor. The British Greens have a sub-group called "Greens for nuclear energy". "Nuclear power 'only option' says historic Extinction Rebellion's spokeswoman (BBC)..... And in Germany pro-atom activists take part in the Fridays for Future demos. They wave "nuclear power, yes please" flags and wear T-shirts with the red atomic sun or the black and yellow impeller, the symbol for radioactive radiation. Last autumn they protested in front of the remaining German nuclear reactors.

Once... protesters used to march in front of nuclear power plants to prevent them. Today several pro-nuclear infiltrated are demanding that they continue to operate.


Le nucléaire, éligible pour les investissements verts ? Une aberration environnementale et climatique, reposant sur un raisonnement cynique et malhonnête! | Sortir Du Nucléaire

Greenpeace warns European Commission on nuclear energy classification

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