Nuclear waste, Solinas on the attack: "Yet another outrage on the island" | L'Unione Sarda

3 years ago 343

Even the mayors say "No"

The governor against the government's choice to include Sardinia in areas suitable for the storage of radioactive waste

"Indicating 14 sites in Sardinia out of the 67 identified in the national territory for the construction of the single nuclear waste repository represents yet another act of arrogance and prevarication by a State and a Government that have no respect for the Island and for the will clearly expressed by the Sardinian people, in a definitive and irrevocable way, with a Referendum and a regional law ".

This is the comment by Governor Christian Solinas on the publication of the National Charter of potentially suitable areas (CNAPI) to host the storage of radioactive waste throughout Italy, prepared by Sogin and approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Environment, which includes 14 areas of Sardinia ( Here's what they are ).

A position that comes after those of the Anci , mayors and numerous exponents of local politics.

"Sardinia has already paid too many tributes to national solidarity towards the Italian State - says Solinas - from the deforestation of 4/5 of its tree heritage for the development of the railway networks of the Peninsula and for the coal industry, especially Tuscany, up to to over 60% of the country's military easements on its territory, without neglecting the industrial and environmental easements of state chemistry, still awaiting remediation. And we certainly cannot forget the enormously paid blood tribute, disproportionate to the rest of Italy, for generations of young Sardinians who went to die on the fronts of the Karst, Monte Zebio or Bainsizza in the Great War a century ago ".

"This same people - continues the governor - has always rejected, and will continue to do so with all its strength, any hypothesis of transformation of the island into a nuclear waste bin in the center of the Mediterranean, with irreversible damage to its tourist vocation and its productive economic fabric ".

"We have - continues the governor - a regional law in force since 2003 which prohibits even the transit of radioactive waste on the regional territory and declares Sardinia nuclear free. We held a referendum in 2011 which, with a massive turnout, reaffirmed in the world clear and clear with more than 97 percent of the votes no to nuclear energy and waste deposits ".

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