Ōtautahi Christchurch Newsletter 1 February 2023

1 year ago 81

Event Notices

Global Climate Strike
Fri 3 March, 3.00pm, Cathedral Square

School Strike 4 Climate are BACK with their first strike for 2023, demanding transparent and meaningful climate action from our decision makers. Bring your placards, banners, masks, and loving rage as we stand together to ask:

🌼 Be there.
🌼 Share our event.
🌼 Tell your friends.
🌼 Bring your mum.
🌼 Tell the bro.

Your voice matters!

Facebook event here.

Restore Passenger Rail – Our Responsibilities at This Time

6.30pm, Thurs 2 Feb
WEA, 59 Gloucester St

or 7.00pm Online

Nau mai haere mai!

We all know it’s no time for empty promises: with no carbon budget left and ecological systems in free fall: we have to act decisively!
Social science says we must rebel. COP26 shows international meetings cannot stop climate collapse. History shows that Civil Resistance movements, country by country, can. Together, we can.
Come and hear about our peaceful civil resistance campaign, and why some have chosen to step up into high stakes action.

Facebook event for WEA here. Register for this event here.

Facebook event for online here. Register for this event here.

Communicate 4 Connection: Foundation in Nonviolent Communication

9.30 to 5 pm Feb 18 & 19 (Sat & Sunday)
Held in Ilam

Nonviolence is a key principle of Extinction Rebellion. Certified Trainers of NVC, Valerie Wycoff and Jim Lovell-Smith invite you to explore ways to communicate (listen & express) that support connection, collaboration, and a world where everyone is valued. Newbies and Returnees are welcome!

Limited places Registrations essential $200 – $400 sliding scale.


Framing the Climate Crisis to Empower People and Communities

7.30pm Friday 17 Feb
WEA, 59 Gloucester St

Niki Harré is a professor at the University of Auckland specialising in community psychology and the psychology of sustainability. Her research addresses issues of sustainability, citizenship, values, and political activism.

With the carbon emissions from flying in mind Niki will speak to us by Zoom. Niki will discuss how to frame climate change and sustainability topics to empower people and communities and inspire action for a more sustainable future. Once she has spoken there will be an opportunity to put questions to her. What are the communication strategies that will inspire people to want to reduce their carbon emissions?

This is a WEA, 350 Ōtautahi and Sustainable Ōtautahi Christchurch co-hosted event. Please register for free here to ensure a seat.

An Evening With John Bluck,
Retired Nz Anglican Bishop And Writer

The Transitional Cathedral
7.30pm Thurs, 2nd Feb

You are invited to come and hear John Bluck, retired Anglican Bishop, speak about growing up and living in this land, and about looking forward to the future we can all help create. He recently released a book called “Becoming Pākehā, A journey between two cultures;” below is an excerpt from this book that many of us have found very helpful in shaping this ongoing bi-cultural/ multicultural conversation. We would love you to join us for this time. A koha will be taken on the night.

Becoming Pākehā: A work in progress

Tourism Reset – Kim Hill Hot Topic 2023

6.30pm Thurs 30 March,
Lincoln Uni

Join Kim Hill and panelists in a stimulating discussion The discussion will examine the impact of tourism on the environment.

Stephen Espiner | Associate Professor, Lincoln University
Susanne Becken | Principal Science Investment Advisor
Tyla Harrison-Hunt | City Councillor, Taumutu Representative
Justin Watson | Christchurch Airport

Event Details: Doors open 6.30pm, Event starts 7.30pm.
$5 koha on the door.
Refreshments and nibbles provided. Alcoholic beverages available from a cash bar.

Facebook event here. Free tickets on Humanitix here.

Other Inititatives

How can we accelerate the uptake of meaningful Climate Action

Pierre Marasti and others from XR Queenstown Lakes has been presenting at every QLDC meeting for the last four years. Keeping councillors informed of the latest science, latest extreme weather events and challenging them on local decisions.

He reckons most of their presentations are relevant and adaptable to other councils throughout the country. He is keen to pool resources – share presentations to make it easier for others to regularly present to their councils.

There is an information sheet linked in this article and a link for getting involved.

Tarras Airport Open Letter

In January 11 of New Zealand’s leading academics – including Dame Anne Salmond and Professor Shaun Hendy – signed an open letter calling for the Tarras Airport plan to be scrapped.

“We are concerned that any organisation, let alone Christchurch International Airport Ltd which is owned 25 percent by the government and 75 percent by Christchurch City Council, would consider building a new airport in New Zealand during a climate emergency.”

“This proposed airport highlights the need for more climate-focussed legislative and regulatory frameworks as a basis for stronger controls for approving major infrastructure projects such as new international airports.”

Read the open letter here and a RNZ report here.

Make Them Pay! – Aviation Campaign

A number of XR members from around the motu joined a zoom call with Make them Pay and Flight Free organisers in the UK and Australia early this year. Aotearoa demands will be slightly different from the UK ones (in the adjacent graphic). Please mark your calendar for Feb 14th/ Valentines Day as we join a global call to make aviation polluters pay.

Save the date, more details to come.

Next steps on the Pathway to Survival

We are wading into the climate/eco/social & tiriti justice crises deeper by the day.
Last year a bunch of XR rebels around the motu pulled together the big transformational changes needed to give us a pathway to survival through these crises. (Image credit: Brian Stauffer, Univ Sth Calif, 2019)

Changes like –

  • Stop coal, oil & gas production now!
  • Bring in planned energy reduction, using a fair rationing system
  • Move to a steady-state no-waste economy that prioritises people & planet over profit
  • Reduce the dairy herd and shift to sustainable food production and landuse
  • Protect and expand our carbon sinks of bush, wetlands, tree canopy

And because these changes wont happen under today’s Business As Usual –

  • Move to co-governance and te tiriti justice
  • Replace corporate-lobbists with forms of real participatory democracy
  • End inequality by taxing the richest to enable income and housing security for all

In 2022 P2S webinars showcased these ideas and the people advocating them – like Mike Joy, John Minto, Jane Kelsey, Gareth Hughes. This year we’re asking these people and others if they will come together in a citizens’ coalition and present the political parties with a list of these big changes we need to survive the next decade as a cohesive, fair and decent society.

Will you join us?
Ring us for a chat – Torfrida, Kari, Francis, Ann & Michael G and Marilyn are Otautahi rebs involved in this. Tors ph 021 107 3937, Email info@pathwaytosurvival.nz. Facebook group.

Keeping In Touch

Welcome Newbees and XR returnees to Heartbeat – Next Heartbeat is 7pm, Friday 3 February at the WEA, 59 Gloucester St.

  • Action circle – meets Wednesday nights, open to anyone who’s been on an XRŌ action – contact Michael for more info – 021 0264 7594.
  • Email – XR Ōtautahi rebs can be contacted by emailing us at christchurch@extinctionrebellion.nz
  • Facebook – Check out our Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi Christchurch Facebook events page.
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